
Shezbooteeful in "Hangin In There"

*Cue intro tune of “I Call Your Name” by DeBarge* There was a time in my life where I thought I wasn't gonna be able to see it. For the longest time, I just couldn't generate the hope to get through life's obstacles to earn the prize that lay on the other side of the hurdle.

Of course there it was in plain view, right there in front of me yet it felt so far away that it might as well been light years apart. Now I see how Odin felt in Thor: Ragnarok when he told his first-born son that “even with two eyes, you only see half the picture.”

The customers at my job once told me that I'm not enthusiastic, that I'm not grateful for the position in life that I have. Those niggas were dead wrong, plus they need to get a life of their own. But I can see where their analysis might be concluded…

When you come face-to-face with what I see, there seems to be A LOT to sift through. An adult life is way too much to maintain and everything outside of it gets distorted while trying to focus solely on one target. And these past few years have been trying times. All people experience some form of hardship before they can move on to the relief that follows each trial.

I didn't need a Moses cutaway from Family Guy or a Christian proverb to teach me that lesson, I believed in the virtue deep down in my gut. And sure enough I was able to find what I was cruising life for. Huh? Did I find a way thru dealing with COVID? Naw. I mean yeah we all did, but I wasn't looking for that all this time. I was looking for another fetish clip from Shezbooteeful to review. It's called Hangin’ In There. You can see it too, just scroll down on your smartphone. Good guess though. “Breanne 'Sparkle’ Williams’ bootyhole” was the number one answer in a survey of 100 people who visited this site…

Don't ever get it twisted– I am grateful for everything I get in life. I don't care what anybody old enough to have been going thru a midlife crisis at the time of my birth says, they couldn't walk a mile in my shoes much less take a step in them. They damn sure can't stomach the concept of scat but you, the EFRO Zone audience, love scat clips just as much as I do so I'm gonna tell you why I love this clip:
  • She's booteeful. As far as I've come in 4 years, I still haven't got over the hump that is MzBooteeful's ass! I just can't. At least when you rubberneck a thickie in public, reality kicks in as you make your way towards that middle seam in their denim jeans. But this is a fetish clip: the big, swollen, goosebump-riddled cheeks are the star attractions throughout the rearview runtime. You gotta wonder– if God made us in His image, who made Shezbooteeful? Saarjie Baartman?
  • HALLELUJAH WE GOT SOUND! Speaking of deities, thank fuckin’ God there's sound in this clip🙌🏾 I'm always in awe about both sides of a gynormous wagon, but the crackling symphony always put the A in the A/V. Issa cheesy reference to a Tony Stark line in Captain America: Civil War but the action keeps you glued like Secretary Ross monitoring the security in the raft scene.
  • She got a lil bit of ain't-shit in her. When you pay enough attention to the beginning seconds of this clip, your curiosity and eardrums are rewarded with SB's soft gut pate. They say “every accusation is a confession of guilt” and I firmly believe that every bowel movement is a production of meals! For this skinny load to whistle out between her full butt cheeks is really telling. She had to gulp down like a few drinks the day before. Whatever she ate had enough protein in it to get stuck in her asshole mid-push. Not even a good shake could break it loose…
It didn't take long for me to give Shezbooteeful her props.
A huge ass will do that to you. To be brutally honest, the whole vibe of the video starts as soon as MzBooteeful gets up from the toilet seat. It doesn't matter what happens next or how long the funk goes on, the anxiety will always keep your attention span alive like first responders on an unconscious patient. The vibe only goes on for 28 seconds, but it's the necessary energy that keeps the atmosphere of the clip running long after the duration expires. Want more? Don't feel bad– an appetite for seconds is natural after watching this footage.


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