"You ever have to do #2, put the paper down and get up then you realize you gotta poop again? Then you poop, put the paper down and it hits again! Then you put the paper down over dat and it hits again until you have poop, paper, poop, paper, poop– then you realize 'I just made a poop lasagna!'"
One of the funniest jokes ever told by Larry The Cable Guy. He signed off on it by proclaiming "It's all I think about everyday!" I don't think about that kinda stuff everyday. I also haven't had that kind of bad luck with diarrhea but I can tell you what I do think about– women pooping. Black women, white women, Latinas, Asians, I'd kill to see an Indian woman take a good ol' shyt. They are the rarest creed of ladies who film that kind of content.
See what happens when I get exposed to pop toilet culture? My turd demon comes out like "The Demon King" Finn Bálor rises out of the smoke. And it only makes me crave to see ladies in those particular situations. My eyes roll to the sky and my chin is graced with my thumb & pointer fingers like I'm The Rock on the cover of WrestleMania 2000 as I fantasize about a (preferably Black) woman rushing to the bathroom dancing with the sweats. Yeah I wasn't lying in the "About" section of my site…
Going further into my memory banks, I soon realize that I truly don't have to fantasize about such a dilemma befallen a sexy Black woman in her daily life. And she didn't make a poop lasagna so much as cook a poop breakfast, lunch and dinner on one routine afternoon. The actress in jeopardy goes by the aliases LetHerRipp and JezebelJuice, and this pre-recorded dookie diary entry is called 3 Poops A Day!
Ok, the name of the clip isn't all dat flashy and neither is the production but that's what we love about this kink so much. Our fet hostess for the next 6 minutes and 13 seconds is however one of the most shining examples of eclectic life. Have you seen her findom Twitter page? You can't help but stare in awe at how she sets up her own lifestyle. I personally can't stare into her eyes for longer than 3 seconds. (That's why I stay laser-focused on her bootyhole.) But rather than feel the need to cough up money to get her nails & hair done, here's why you should love Juice's 24 hour bout with IBS and pork…
Round 1: Juice 30, Dookie 27.
This return to the oval octagon didn't bode too well for Juicey Slim and the mood is in the air with the look on her face as she sits on her porcelain stool. A flushed, almost panicked mask covers her butter toffee visage as if Juice has been hit in her abs with multiple knee strikes. What she describes as "spicy" and what I describe as beef tips with gravy pours out of her sexy hemmies with the stomach cramps putting her in a BJJ hold. Juice's poor ass took the majority of the punishment, sweating like an overwhelmed southpaw.
LetHerRipp "100% Juice" JezebelJuice pulls through a rough final round of aggressive dookie to win it by unanimous decision! Somebody get this lady a cap, tee and freezing-cold bottle of water.
Note to self: remind me to never go long periods without eating pork.
One of the mental institutions practiced on this site is that fetish workers have the freedom to express themselves visually and audibly without restraint. You the audience have that same right. Please feel free to give feedback on the work featured here. Whether you love the gifs or hate my writing style, I'm all ears.