What is it with Buffalo Wild Wings and their advertising campaign recently? Prior to this year, I had only known about this place because one of their restaurants was located within driving range of my actual job. But what if I didn't have that job? Maybe that's why commercials are so important. Despite their efforts to bring their food to my attention, I still haven't grown the pair of balls to try them out. There's a litany of reasons why but I'll narrow my list down for you EFRO Zone readers.
A.) Everybody and their mama knows that Buffalo Wild Wings is a hideout spot really meant for beer drinkers and bar niggas, much like Hooter's is really meant for dudes trying to see butt cheeks hanging out of orange cotton shorts and white pokies. B.) I trust food cooked in the same place where beer is served as much as bougie people trust food that's cooked in the same place where gas is sold. C.) I don't have the time or energy to make a pitstop anywhere right after I get off of work. And D.) I don't like to be teased by anything… Tiara Harris wore my patience thin with that trick.
One place I can get down with has some good eatin’ too. This brand hasn't been in business as long as Buffalo Wild Wings (Idk when B-Dubs opened up shop) but like it's tavern-like counterpart, this place has opened back up after the pandemic. This brand also offered delivery service before, now they operate under the branding of “Nillz's Downtown Chow“ and boiii do they focus on delivering solid cuisine…
Yeah, the top-heavy ass Blasian that delivered THAT home-cooked meal in a past review here is back with her own eatery which I think is well-deserved. Let's take a look at one of Nillz's best dishes, shall we? Scroll down to see the cooking process ⬇️
Nillz's Downtown Chow gets a Smelt rating of 5 stars.
Nillz honestly has never disappointed in my eyes since I discovered her and this clip has maintained her standard of work. It's as easy as saying “it's just another Nillz clip”, but the flowers we give out here in the EFRO Zone have many stems and grow from many species:
- Same behind-the-scenes feels. There's always that awkward feeling after you order your food: the waitress walks off and disappears between a swinging pair of double doors as you sip on a glass full of bubbling Coke. It's the same energy you feel standing in line at Sheetz as you go up to pay for your MTO food: that familiar full view of the day's machinations. The setting is a view all too familiar to us scat fans and eases the audience into the inevitable food prep that is bound to happen.
- Same brand and uniform. That same anticipation and anxiety generated in the wait for an order initially starts with the sight of the first eatery worker. No matter if it's grey polyester outlined by black & yellow, median red on top of black or blue denim, or even those big orange owl eyes staring at you in front of glaring, mushed-up cleavage, brand aesthetics play a BIG part in customer satisfaction. Nillz herself doesn't have anything to offer but a pink fuzzy shirt hiked up past her waist, no sneaks, no bottoms, she doesn't een need an apron as the meal she's getting ready to make doesn't een require the use of her hands…
- Same hard work and dedication. Just like your favorite service worker, Nillz has committed herself to the same daily routine that we all have grown to appreciate. She takes pride and joy into every serving of soul food that she cooks, even if the internal temperature is spicy enough to cause her prolonged displeasure.
- Same authentic cooking. In cuisine, they say that the appeal is everything. If a smashed burger didn't have the appearance of hearty, seared beef and melted sharp cheddar sliced cheese stacked in between two buns, you'd definitely pass on wanting to shove it into your mouth– vegetarians and non beef-eaters notwithstanding. The one pound roll of meat that Nillz fired straight out of her Blasian broiler carries the same kind of savory, stanky persuasion. Just witnessing its shiny, chunky and creamy appearance makes you wanna take a bite out of it– vanillas and non ass eaters notwithstanding.
Most promoters in my position would only endorse a venture because it may be a Black-owned business, I happen to move on a much deeper level of criteria. It's not just the appeal, marketing nor the branding that draws me to a worker's particular product, she has to have the entire package! This entire review counts as my plea for Nillz's Downtown Chow, now show it more love than Luigi Mangione's Twitter page!!!
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