It's no secret that this Carolina Redbone is amazing to look at. Longtime fans of hers can fondly remember her posts from Tumblr and point out which pic set or video made their hands disappear deep down into their pants. I personally loved each and every post this South Carolina couple made, but if I had to pick one that stood out it would have to be the one titled Massive Dump. Being a scat fanatic, I tend to start off each video posted by a blogger or user with anticipation. Before I press play, the voices start talking in my head asking "Will it be soft or chunky? What color will it be?" Since this Tumblr couple had already named it and posted a gif, that wasn't the case here.The gif looked nice but it didn't contain all of the ingredients of a great scat experience. Only tapping the link below it would give me what I wanted…
Instantly this movement begins with wifey's pink butthole already halfway open after failing to contain her turd like police in charge of a riotous crowd. Opening up wide enough to crease its boundary at the base, this turd continues to push through after beating her butthole in a game of rectal Red Hover. The sight is simply spectacular to witness; The Mrs. is bent over with her big, callipygous, yellow cheeks that fill the screen as this intestinal monstrosity, this chocolate Loch Ness Monster drops out of her piece by chunky piece, gaping open her phat pussy in the process for 27 straight seconds. For all you in the younger generation struggling to visualize this turd’s appearance, think of that machine Driller that Shockwave commanded in Transformers: Dark of The Moon only with the texture of brownie batter. 👅… 😲 Sorry.
One of the mental institutions practiced on this site is that fetish workers have the freedom to express themselves visually and audibly without restraint. You the audience have that same right. Please feel free to give feedback on the work featured here. Whether you love the gifs or hate my writing style, I'm all ears.